Bilans d’évènement


On 8 Feb 2022, FTCC hosted the VIP Dinner at Vie Hotel Bangkok in honour all of Premium Members for their continued support over the years.

In presence of H.E. French Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Thierry Mathou and presided over by FTCC President, Thomas Sanchez

The FTCC welcomed Guests of honour, namely Mr. Supant Mongkolsuthree, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries,
Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Special Advisor, Foreign Affairs of EEC, Mr. Songwut Apirakkhit, Director of Investment Managment of EEC, Petros Sourmelis, Head of Trade and Economic Section of EU Thailand, and Mr. Hubert Colaris, Economic Counsellor of French Embassy. 

Along with FTCC Premium Members: Accor Air France AXA Bangkok Hospital BNP Paribas BRED IT Thailand Dextra Group Essilor Group GEODIS L'Oréal ORBIS Thailand Saint-Gobain Ventury Co., Ltd. Crédit industriel et commercial (CIC)

We are more than thankful that you attended our event. We hope you enjoyed the experience and looking forward to meeting you again next time.


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