Membership Application Form online
Membership Categories
Cat. Premium: An all-inclusive package tailored to answer your company’s specific needs whether you are looking for networking opportunities, corporate visibility, or both.
- Diamond Package: 200,000 THB
- Gold Package: 150,000 THB
- Silver Package: 100,000 THB
Cat. A: Large corporation
- More than 50 employees or
- Company affiliated with a major global group and with an annual turnover exceeding 200 million THB or
- Annual turnover exceeding 100 million THB
Cat. B: SMEs
- Local headcount < 50 staff or
- Annual turnover < 100 million THB or
- Not affiliated to a group with worldwide turnover > 200 million THB
Cat. C: Companies located outside of Thailand
Cat. D: Restaurant, Young-professional, Start-up or Individual
Independent restaurants based in Thailand, not affiliated with any parent company.
Young professional:
not affiliated with a company, less than 40 years old and willing to enjoy on personal basis the networking opportunities.
Own set up business in Thailand without any existing link with another company in Thailand or out of Thailand.
Staff up to 3-5 employees.
The company must have been established within the past two years.
Individual with an interest in FTCC activities.
For legal reasons, Cat. C (located outside Thailand) and Cat. D (Young professionals and individuals) are not eligible to vote on the Board of Counselors at the FTCC Annual General Meeting (AGM) but are welcome to participate to the event. Cat. D (Start up and Restaurants) are eligible to vote on the Board of Counselors at the FTCC Annual General Meeting (AGM).