FTCC Special Webinar: Hear it from HR Directors: HR Management Post-COVID
FTCC Special Webinar: Hear it from HR Directors: HR Management Post-COVID
After hearing from CEOs last Tuesday, let’s hear it from HR Directors!
With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe, HR professionals are facing unusual challenges in protecting their employees while maintaining operations.
In this session, our speakers will share how they manage and help their staff in this tough situation; their policies of working from home and also their perspectives towards the future.
Join us to get more insightful information and ideas from our HR Directors.
Topics of discussion
Economic impact: salary cuts, lay-offs, leave management, employees’ aids
New ways of working - WFH policies, outsourcing etc.
New Perspectives for the coming months and years
- Aline BOULOM (Director, Talent Acquisition & Mobility - Upper Southeast & Northeast Asia and the Maldives) from Accor
- David LE NY (Chief Human Resources Officer) from Dextra Asia
- Kaewta SRICHA (People Partner Thailand) from StoreHub
- Anne-Marie MACHET (Managing Director) from Franco-Pacific Thailand
FTCC Special Webinar: Hear it from HR Directors: HR Management Post-COVID
L'événement est terminé.