Multi-Chamber Business Women Networking "Empowering women - The way forward"
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
THB 1,200
Price is inclusive of delicious finger foods, and free flows of wines.
L'événement est terminé.
The German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) is delighted to invite you and your friends to:
GTCC Multi-Chamber Business Women Networking
"Empowering women - The way forward"
Date: Thursday, 8 December 2022
Time: 18:00 – 21:00 hours
Venue: Spectrum 31st FL., Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit (Map)
In corporation with other bi-lateral chambers of commerce in Thailand, this unique women-only networking event welcomes all women in every profession and entrepreneurs alike.
Join our last Business Women Networking of 2022 with compassion!
Bidding farewell to 2022 in a friendly and uplifting ambience among empowered women in an open discussion on the followings:
· Empowering women: The journey from within.
· Empowering women entrepreneur: WE RISE Together programme by UN Women.
Our festive touch:
- Gift exchange session: Bring a gift that you would love to receive yourself, valued THB 500 or more.
- (Optional) Pay it forward with gift donation: Together with Pink lotus foundation, we will share donated gifts receiving from this event to the caseworkers who think of them less and often be forgotten. Let's empower them for a great work that they do at accredited organizations such as Father Ray Foundation, Duang Prateep Foundation.
Dress (up) code: Festive casual is highly encouraged but not compulsory.
Admission Fee: THB 1,200
- Price is inclusive of delicious finger foods, and free flows of wines.
About "GTCC Business Women Network":
A platform for business women to network with female leaders, expat business women, talented female young professionals and interns in an intercultural context connect & grow. Together, they can benefit from this initiative by developing their ideas, gain even more professional know-how and participate in various networking events and seminars. We also offer a great opportunity for business women to participate as a volunteer working group to initiate new ideas for and/or moderate our future events.
Please follow us on GTCC Business Women Facebook!
- Strictly no walk-ins policy. Pre-registration is required.
- Please register early to secure your space. Our online registration will be automatically closed when maximum capacity has been reached.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or 02-055 0600.
Modalités d'accès
Multi-Chamber Business Women Networking "Empowering women - The way forward"
L'événement est terminé.