D-Commerce and Retail in Transition: Opportunities and Risks for Online Retailers
Date: Tuesday 1st March 2022
Time: 10h30 -11h30, Bangkok Time
Via: Zoom webinar
Registration fees: Free for FTCC Members & participating Chambers / 500 THB for Non-Members
Speakers: Mr. Yuthana Sivaraks and Ms. Napatorn Dasananjali Termglinchan and Mr. Pongtorn Jittapinijmas will share:
“The trends of digital commerce from a legal perspective pointing out interesting legal issues that business operators should be aware of in the operation of a digital commerce business. For instance, the arrangement between the business operators and digital commerce platforms or services providers, relevant licenses, and other legal-marketing-related issues. They will also share their experiences on the current enforcement trends and tips."

D-Commerce and Retail in Transition: Opportunities and Risks for Online Retailers
Event ended.