Martine CHAILLETCo-Founder of EArise, Certified Coach & Team Builder

"I have been as well operational and strategic manager (in the medical field) and consultant. 15 years ago, I was trained and certified in business coaching and team building; I built my own company in France to support leaders and teams as a coach, trainer and consultant to help them to be more successful and more fulfilled. I am the co-founder of EArise and will be pleased to support you in your challenges around strategy, vision, people management, leadership and change management." Martine CHAILLET - Cofounder at EArise
Coach, Team Builder and Consultant since 2004 certified coach and team builder / CT (Vincent Lenhardt, Transformance) and TA Coaching (Transactional Analysis) advanced trained in vision and change management trained in open space and several leadership programs agreed PCM coach supervised in TA and Gestalt 8 years International Marketing Manager Team Leader on R&D, member of the operational board