Summary of the Questions & Answers of the FTCC On-Line Q&A: Taking Care of Your Employees in Tough Times

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FTCC Online Roundtable Discussion on

“Taking Care of Your Employees in Tough Times”

on 9th April 2020, 10h00-11h30


Introduction by FTCC President, Thomas SANCHEZ 

Mr. Sanchez welcomed 32 participants (excluding 15 FTCC staff) to the FTCC second online roundtable discussion and addressed that this On-Line discussion will be more dedicated to Thai Labour Law and employment aspects. He also addressed that this session would help provide the backbone information of laws and the relevant measures from Thai government in order to ensure that our Members’ decision will comply with those laws and regulations. 

He concluded his welcoming speech by introducing the experts as follows

Vovan Trocadelyo

Mr. Frédéric Favre 

Ms. Sansanee Perandus 

Luma Health Insurance

Mr. Guillaume de Froment 

Sukanya Uerchuchai, FTCC Executive Director, started the presentation with the first question sent by Members.

Question: How long do you think we should work at home, in Thailand?

Answer: According to the findings from surveys conducted by CCE THAILANDE 

Showed that most people are not certain about when the situation will be back to normal but among 24 respondents: 8 respondents think that i twill be in June / 6 respondents: in 2021/ The rest: Q3 and Q4

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